by octubre 27, 2020 0 comentarios



Unit 8 focuses on speaking skill. Speaking is one of the four language skills. It is a productive skill because it produces language. Speaking can be defined as the use of speech to communicate meaning to other people.


Pronunciation of words

Give certain information

Answer different questions

Correct use of grammar and vocabulary

Using intonation (Level of a speaker’s voice)

Using words and sentences stress (part  louder and longer)

Asking for clarification (Clarify something)

Speaking when another person stops

Monitor ourselves (Noting errors)

Tell some stories

Participate in discussions

Use accuracy

Using appropriate register (formal or informal language)


Participate in conversations


When we greet people

When one person interrupts another person

Planning the things that we will say


Speaking is divided into the following subskills:

  • ·         Use of grammar, vocabulary, and functions (reason why we use language)
  • ·         Speak appropriately and using registers
  • ·         Apply Connected Speech Features
  • ·         Use of body language
  • ·         Use different types of texts
  • ·    Speak fluently (speak with a normal and understandable speed) self-correction (checking for our mistakes)
  • ·       Using interaction strategies (different ways to attract people's attention)

Certain factors also play an important role in communication, such as fluency (helps people listen to us without getting bored), accuracy (To do something without mistakes) and appropriacy (Correct use of language in some situation). We also use registers in the correct way to treat our listeners with formality or informality depending on the situation.

The activities of an oral lesson can follow the following steps:

Ø  Lead-in: Introduction of the topic to be discussed

Ø  Practice activities: Students could do free activities depending on the learning context.

Ø  Post-task activities: Students do free communication activities where they work in the language they use in the tasks.

As a conclusion, the ability to speak can be developed in the specific characteristics of speech. There are activities that help practice communication and improve interaction as well as accuracy and fluency. As teachers it is necessary to give additional help to students such as expanding their vocabulary, developing their ability to organize the ideas that they want to say and how they are going to say it. The ability to speak is a process that involves expressing ideas with clarity and coherence so that others can understand the message or the information that you want to convey.


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. (2011). The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 (Second). Cambridge: Cambridge University Presshttps://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139062398.003

THE FOUR SPEAKING SKILLS. (2018, October 11). https://english.binus.ac.id/2018/10/11/the-four-speaking-skills/.

Karina Palacios


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