by octubre 27, 2020 0 comentarios



        When we talk about evaluation, it is common to think in grades. Most students are focus on grades more than learning but that´s not our reality. Evaluation is used to get grades as well as to promote learning.

        In learner-centered teaching, the purpose of evaluation is to have a balance between grades and learning to promote learning by themselves.

        The processes of evaluation need to be developed through self- and peer assessment skills involving students in their own learning.

        It will be explained three beliefs about links between grades and learning:

  1. It is assumed that grades show the learning that students have, but this is a complicated process. For that reason, the skills we should develop are critical thinking, analyzing, and others.
  2. It is necessary to know that grades are not part of an objective measure of learning.
  3. Grades are important because are thes tudents motivation to figure out how to obtain the best.

          According to Nikos (2016), teachers must recognize the students’ needs and they must be able to create a lesson planning based on learner-centered and motivating students.

Promoting learning

        First, it is necessary to know that there are two main principles into evaluation:        

  •  Evaluation improves the students' potential and promotes learning.
  •  Students have the opportunity to develop their own assessments.

      According to Sarros and Densten (1989), students believe evaluation is the worst part of their scholar life and it causes a kind of stress. For that reason, teachers must achieve to reduce that situation and to manage evaluations according to the students’ needs through applying motivation in the class.

        To evaluate students is necessary to know some aspects of them. Motivation is the most important part of this process because it provides confidence, and it allows us to achieve our goals in a better way.

        As conclusion, it is necessary to understand that the grades system will not change but teachers should provide comfort and security to apply the changes that are proposed. I think it was important to know about the purpose and processes of evaluation to reflect that our educational system has failed due to students believe a grade is more important than their knowledge. Based on all the explanations I would apply this tools to motivate my students to learn more than just getting a good grade because it is more important the knowledge that they acquired in the process.



Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-centered teaching: Five key changes to practice. ProQuest Ebook


Nikos, A. (12 de 10 de 2016). efrontlearning. Retrieved from Know your Audience! A

smart guide for analyzing your learners’ needs:


Sarros, J. C., and Densten, I. L. “Undergraduate Student Stress and Coping Strategies.”

Higher Education Research and Development, 1989, 8(1), 1–13.


Karina Palacios


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