by octubre 27, 2020 0 comentarios




Writing is one of the language skills. This is a productive skill as learners produce language. In writing, a message is communicated and for that you need someone to communicate it. Writing also implies producing letters, sentences or phrases that are linked to communicate or transfer a message.

In writing there are different types of texts such as: email, letter, essay, birthday letter, etc. All these types have different characteristics, for example, some texts are characterized by their type of formality, others by their layout (the way in which a text is organized on a page). There are also texts with different levels of complexity of grammar and register. Writing also involves the use of subskills which are directly related to the accuracy in which correct forms of language are used.

The relationship of writing subskills with accuracy is the correct way to write, choose the correct vocabulary and grammar, use punctuation correctly, the correct use of paragraphs which are the longest parts of a text, the union of several sentences . The subskills related to communication are the use of the features of the type of text that is being developed, with the correct way to join words and sentences and using appropriate functions to express our meaning. For example, narrating, complaining, requesting, thanking, summarizing and concluding.

A writer goes through some stages (steps of a lesson) to develop a writing:

·         Getting or developing ideas: Work on the ideas that we are going to include in a writing.

·         Organizing ideas: Work in the order that we are going to put our ideas.

·         Drafting: The first version of the writing.

·         Editing: Improve the text through different corrections.

·         Proofreading: Check for mistakes in writing.

·         Re-drafting: Write a latest version with all the changes previously set.


According to Elbow (2000), teaching writing in the classroom is a complex process. It is necessary to allow students to use writing in an effective way so that they can understand their ideas:

·         Provide daily time for students to write: Students need time to learn strategies to write correctly.

·         Explain to students that the writing process can vary in its purposes: Writing not only involves thinking about ideas, it is also thinking about the purpose of writing.

·         Motivate students to be more flexible in the writing process: Once students know the different writing strategies; they must choose which would be the best to help them with their writing purposes.

·         Teach students to emulate the features of good writing: Students should be exposed to different types of texts that can show different characteristics and can understand the content of  each one.        

                                                                                                                                                                                        In this unit we learned how to write a text in a structured way. Writing is a process in which an order is necessary to put our ideas in any type of text. Also, writing skills help us to develop our writing skills in a good way as well as correct our mistakes and improve them. It is of great importance in classroom teaching to apply different strategies that help students to develop this skill and at the same time as teachers to broaden the knowledge about the improvement in student learning in writing skills


Different types of writing and text types. Literacy Ideas. https://www.literacyideas.com/different-text-types.

Elbow, P. (2000). Everyone can write: essays toward a hopeful theory of writing and teaching writing. Oxford University Press.

Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. (2011). The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 (Second). Cambridge: Cambridge University Presshttps://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139062398.003

Karina Palacios


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